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Fly Away

Paru le 6 mai 2023
Fly Away
Maison d'édition
Prix 15.00$
In 1973, twen­ty thou­sand dis­ci­ples of a guru who called him­self Lord of the Uni­verse”, believed that the Hous­ton Astrodome was hid­ing a fly­ing saucer in its walls, built by extra-ter­res­tri­als and would fly away to save them from a pend­ing Apoc­a­lypse. Fly Away tells the sto­ry of how Jen­nifer, the teenage daugh­ter of an athe­ist doc­tor end­ed up in a cult lead by a rich and whim­si­cal guru, los­ing every­thing in the process, but kept look­ing for answers about God, and about her place in a mul­ti-dimen­sion­al Uni­verse… 160 pages, for Young Adults, and Adults too…
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