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Unlimiting my life - 7 days to a more generous, creative and sensual life

Paru le 1 septembre 2023
Unlimiting my life - 7 days to a more generous, creative and sensual life
Maison d'édition
Prix 14.95$
Hélène Nicole writes, speaks and sings to unlim­it our lives. This essay is her 5th book. She lives in a con­vert­ed bus, trav­el­ling from the inside out, on the road trip of her life. On this day, I’d like you to comtem­plate what catch­es your atten­tion through your eyes, ears, hands, mouth and nose, from the inside out. Prat­ice observ­ing your reflec­tion in the mir­ror that life brings you at every moment. Let it set­tle, with­out judg­ment, but by observ­ing: is what I’m feel­ing peace­ful? If so, be grate­ful. Il not, let go of this feel­ing, it does­n’t belong to us. It’s a stranger in our home. Would you let any­one into your home?
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