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This Radiant Life

Paru le 19 novembre 2020
This Radiant Life
Maison d'édition
Prix 20.00$
In this stun­ning long poem, Chan­tal Neveu draws from the lex­i­cons of sci­ence, art, rev­o­lu­tion, and cor­po­re­al move­ment to forge intense and extend­ed rhythms that invoke the ele­ments and spaces mak­ing up our world. This is poet­ry capa­ble of hold­ing life and death, sol­i­dar­i­ty, and love. Renew­al. Breath­ing. In its brevi­ty and per­sis­tence, This Radi­ant Life is a mate­r­i­al call for action: it asks us to let go, even just a lit­tle bit, of our indi­vid­u­al­i­ty in favour of mutu­al­i­ty, to arrive sep­a­rate­ly yet in uni­son at a radi­ance in which all liv­ing beings can thrive.”–
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