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Gryphons Don't Celebrate Shavuot

Paru le 25 avril 2023
Gryphons Don't Celebrate Shavuot
Maison d'édition
Prix 17.50$
Gryphons don’t mind whether you say Shavuot or Shavu­os. They just want you to know that cheese­cake is the rea­son for the sea­son and that you should be giv­ing them your slice. An acces­si­ble and infor­ma­tive book about the hol­i­day of Shavuot and why it has so many inter­est­ing tra­di­tions. Writ­ten by acclaimed fan­ta­sy author Michelle Franklin, and ful­ly illus­trat­ed by gryphon wran­gler Jonathan Burrello.
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