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Flower of Memory

Paru le 20 mai 2022
Flower of Memory
Maison d'édition
Prix 23.99$
An under­wa­ter ark that shel­ters the last remain­ing sur­vivors. A young doc­tor tor­ment­ed by his past. A mys­te­ri­ous pow­er that could dri­ve them into mad­ness. A cat­a­clysmic Flood has forced the sur­vivors to retreat into an inter­gen­er­a­tional ark, seclud­ed from the world they have always known. But the wait is insuf­fer­able in the abyss of the Great Ocean. More than a cen­tu­ry, heavy with silence, has passed. The Sur­face is but a time­worn dream. A for­got­ten mem­o­ry. But Skyler Gold­berg is not ready to give up. Even if it means los­ing every­thing. Can a sin­gle man show the Archeans the path to redemp­tion in a world aban­doned by its cre­ator? Flower of Mem­o­ry is the pre­quel of the dystopi­an sci­ence-fic­tion series Ama­ranth. Fans of the TV series The 100 and Snow­piercer will enjoy every page!
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