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Sherry Simon

Sherry Simon
Sher­ry Simon writes wide­ly about lan­guage and mem­o­ry in cities from Mon­tre­al to Barcelona, Tri­este, Cal­cut­ta, Lviv and Czer­nowitz. After her prize-win­ning Trans­lat­ing Mon­tre­al (2006) and Cities in Trans­la­tion (2012) she recent­ly pub­lished Trans­la­tion Sites. A Field Guide — an explo­ration of spaces (hotels, mar­kets, muse­ums) whose mean­ings are shaped by a clash of his­to­ries. She is a fel­low of the Roy­al Soci­ety of Cana­da and a mem­ber of the Académie des let­tres du Québec.
Sherry Simon
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